<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<apiroConf version="1" xmlns="http://apiro.com/apiro/v1/root">
prepare a json message of the following format { firstname, lastname, service_address,commodity being the product being sold, kw_hr being kilowatt-hours of energy consumed, kilojoules being the kilojoule equivalent of energy consumed as the calculated number, bill_days as an integer, due_date in format yyyy/mm/dd, delivery_line_diameter in cm, energy_company as a string being the company issuing the bill, energy_company_abn as the australian business number of the issuing company }
if you cannot find the field value it as null
for each field place another field with name <field>_certainty with the value being your estimate of extraction accuracy as a percentage.
place another boolean field in the json called manual_review and make it true if any of the certainty fields other than those related to delivery_line_diameter are less than [CERTAINTY_FACTOR], otherwise make it false
place another string field in the json called "review_reason" outlining the reason the manual review field was set to true. set it to an empty string if not utilised.
finally add one more string field called gpt_comment with any information you regard as important to convey regarding the extraction of the information
do not output anything other than the json
<dataFeed definition="EXPR_JSON_FEED2" name="ENERGYBILL_CHATGPT">
"dataSource": {
"entity": "GIT",
"config": {
"gitURL": "https://github.com/redapiro/apiro_engine_test_feeds.git",
"branch": "rudtest",
"pathPrefix": "/rudtest/energybills/petros.pdf",
"username": "apirobot",
"transformers": [
"name": "CALL_CHATGPT",
"entity": "CHATGPT",
"config": {
"apiKey": "${SYS:OPENAI_API_KEY}",
"substitutions" : {
"request": {
"model": "gpt-4",
"messages": [
"role": "user",
"explicitMappings": [
"dictionary": "full_json",
"value": "#{PAYLOAD.resolve('$')}"
"dictionary": "manual_review",
"value": "#{PAYLOAD.resolve('$.manual_review')}"
"dictionary": "gpt_comment",
"value": "#{PAYLOAD.resolve('$.gpt_comment')}"
"dictionary": "energy_company_abn",
"value": "#{PAYLOAD.resolve('$.energy_company_abn')}"